Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sleep little angel...

These are the moments I love the most. When Adylee needs me. This doesn't happen very often so when it does I treasure every single second of it. She has become so independent within the last few months and I always feel like I'm not needed as much as I used to be. It's always the same routine...I lay down with her while she holds her bottle and drinks it. Then she rolls over, sticks her paci in her mouth and off to sleep she goes. But tonight....tonight she needed me. I got to hold her and hold her bottle for her while she drifted off to sleep. I can't even remember the last time I was able to do that. It makes me feel so wanted when she does things like this. Or when she wakes up in the middle of the night and cries out "mama". Even though I complain about having to wake up in the middle of the night and how I get no sleep, it's still something that makes me feel needed. Because with her, I don't get that very often. Especially now that she is off and running. Pretty soon she's not gonna want me to cuddle her so when the oppurtunity arises, I take it. 

I had always said I would never co-bathe or co-sleep. But since her dad and I split, I have done those. Not because I wanna be defiant against him but because those little moments make memories. So what if she wakes up in the middle of the night sometimes and wants to sleep with me? Ill let her! She's a mamas girl and all that it entails. She looks for me when I walk out of the room. When my mom picks her up from my job because I have to close that night, she comes running to me as soon as I get home. I've been the only constant thing in her life since the beginning. And that will never change. I love my daughter more than life itself. And I will do whatever it takes to make sure that each day she wakes up and knows that her mama loves her with every inch of my body. 

Because one day, she's gonna be a mom herself and I want her to look back on these moments and think "wow, my mom did everything she could for me and that's the way a mom is supposed to be." 

She's my world and then some. I can't wait for all the fun that is to come tomorrow. She makes my days. 

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